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Numerical methods in astrophysics

28 August 2015 — #jupyter, #python, #euroscipy

Hello. My name is Zdeněk and I am a PhD student of astrophysics at Department of Theoretical physics and Astrophysics at Faculty of Science of Masaryk University in Brno, which is in Czech republic.

Who the fuck is Harry Potter?!

Mainly with my supervisor Viktor, we are preparing educational material for the new subject

Numerical methods in astrophysics.

Using interactive capabilities of IPython notebook and simplicity of Python language, we are trying change a mind of ours students about a computer. From a thing to the tool for effective solving of their physical, respectively astrophysical, problems.

The benefits of Python as their main programming language are illustrated by comparison of implementation of the same algorithm in Fortran, as another frequently used language for scientific computing.

And by the way, we want teach the students how to use Git for teamwork.

Thank you ;-)